Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Winter to springtime...

A time to rejoice. I see the sun earlier than before. I look forward to being woken by sunlight streaming in my east facing bedroom window! I have missed being outside in the cool of a morning, laced with dew and the fresh feeling of the air on my skin. Darkness, even that in winter, is depressing.

Depression takes many forms. It is a mystery to me how people can say silly things like, “Just snap out of it!” As though it were really that easy? Do you think someone would choose to live like this? I think this form of debilitating illness is so misunderstood.

I took a shower tonight before retreating to my Princess bed that has yet to be painted. Something I thought I would do in the dark of winter, but it never happened. The painting, I mean. I shaved my leg and arm hair. Mostly because if you feel the wind in your leg hair as you walk, you KNOW it needs to be done. (TMI) Fortunately for me, jeans and not being married don’t require that I have to do that each shower.


I actually put lotion on too. I love the smell of Johnson and Johnson baby lotion. Coming out from the darkness has its advantages.  Maybe I can make it through the night without tears.

I miss you, Maximoose. Sweet dreams.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

One More Day

Life. Death. Depression. 

It is a never ending cycle. January 31, 2020. A good bye to a dearly loved friend. My Maximoose. My sweet, patient, ever loving, never complaining Max. How do I live without him? I am SO tired of saying good bye. Tired of making hard choices. Tired of pain and suffering. Tired of crying and blaming myself for not being able to stop the inevitable and tired of not being able to accomplish the impossible.

Did he understand? Never have I ever had such a champion fighter. One who was so tired in body but not in spirit. One who loved me without judgement and accepted me with all my flaws. As though I had none. As though I were perfect. I did not deserve such devotion. But he did.

I now understand Buttercup when she said, "I shall never love again." 

How can you love again when your heart wings its way to heaven along with your big, goofy, irresistible fluff ball of a dog who loved you and trusted you like that?

I cannot settle to any activity. I jump from one thing to another, never accomplishing any progress with anything. I started to work on finishing the garden fence. I tried to catalog seeds. I tried to clean house. Do laundry. Muck pens. Quasi measured my flatbed trailer for the Gypsy Vardo I want to begin. Spent hours lost on Pinterest just staring and seeing nothing but his sweet face. 

Scarlett is so sad. She mirrors exactly what I feel inside whilst Buddy and Lizzie frantically try to be happy and engage us in the every day reality of life.

What is the point in trying to live? I just want to go home.

I love you Maximoose. I know you are with Scooter and Rhett and Sebastion. I just miss you. But I promise you that as soon as my work here is done, I will join you as quickly as I can.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A new year calling: Random thoughts

First post of the New Year. 2020. Did you ever think you would see this time?

I watch the news that is running over the airwaves and am appalled and excited at the same time. I never thought I would live to see these things unfold in my lifetime.

There are so many people who are deluded and depraved of mind and they cannot discern good from evil. It is frightening at times. Until I remember that God IS still in control. Nothing is a surprise to Him and He knows what tomorrow shall bring.

I spent last week, searching the Scriptures and praying. I have had it with going to this church and then another church and then another church, hoping to hear the Word preached in strength and truth and each week, being disappointed. I am weary and I long for a church HOME.

I know some may think me odd, but for me, I see it this way. IF I am attending a church and calling it my home, I am placing myself under submission to those in leadership. If they cannot even preach or teach the Word in a way that can be understood, or if they are scared to teach the WHOLE Word for fear it might offend, or if they skip entire subjects and parts of the Word for the same can I trust them? I will be supporting that church financially and I don't want to support something that isn't pleasing to God or representing God correctly. I am lonely for a church home and so I started praying. REALLY praying. I wrote down verses and marked them and said in my mind, "I need this, and this, and THIS", over each one. Then I placed it in Gods hands with a plea that surely, surely there was a church out there for me.

Sunday. This past Sunday, January 5, 2020, I walked into my home church. As I sat and listened to the pastor speak, I checked off each and every single scripture verse I had written down. He hit EVERY SINGLE ONE. The sermon was bold and truthful. Delivered with power and gentleness. It was as if God put His hand on my shoulder and shouted in my ear, "THIS ONE. THIS is the church you need to join with!" When the end of the time together was over, the altar call came, to step forward for those who wanted to accept Jesus as their Savior. For those needing prayer. For those who needed a church home.

And so I stepped forward and placed my membership in this church. Now the adventure begins.

Today is January 7. Three years ago, I lost my sweet Rhett to cancer. Tumors on his spleen that we didn't know were there ruptured and took him from me. I hate death. I was so worried for Scarlett and sweet Max when Rhett left us. Mostly Scarlett, but Max's grief came to my notice when Buddy joined our crew. Three years and I still grieve. Three years and I still miss him. I wish death was already done and over....thrown into the lake of fire, to be no more. But it is something we shall all face. It will not be long before Max and Scarlett join Rhett and the 3 Amigos shall be reunited in heaven. Leaving me here to finish my work, until I too face that day when death will take me.

I am not scared to die. I don't look forward to the pain that it may entail, but I know where I will be when it is over and oh! I so look forward to that! The book of Hebrews states, "It is appointed for a man to die once and then face the judgement" (Hebrews 9:27-28), so I know that with Jesus, who took my sins to sacrifice unto Himself, I will rejoice on that day. To be not just with my Savior, but with the family who loves me so again. We will all be together for eternity. ETERNITY.

That is a LONG time.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Let it begin with me...

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me....

From the United States of its people and to the People of the world. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Day After.....

December 26th. The day AFTER Christmas. Things change as you age and I have to tell you this.


No. Really. The day after Christmas when you are my age is actually great. I sat here this morning, looking at my Christmas tree and just enjoying the quiet and peace of the morning.

Not saying that when I had kids in the house it wasn't great, I am just saying that I love my life. Just the way that it is. Life is simply a bunch of seasons of activities and I am enjoying each stage. Even if you have to do that thing called "WORK". But I had to do that when I had kids too, so it really isn't a big deal. Especially when you really enjoy what you are doing for earning your bucks.

Today was my travel day to another city to see clients. Truly enjoy the drive, but today was wet and rainy and there were accidents on the roads. Most of them from idiot California drivers. I know, I know. I sound awful, but for the love of Pete's Dragon, slow the heck down! Especially if you are on a road that is not familiar AND it is raining. Raining HARD.

I enjoy traveling to other cities because the fact is, my little home town has no shopping to speak of. We have a WalMart. And we have a Maurices and a Big Lots. Whoppie! As I had a couple of clients cancel today (because after all it IS the day after Christmas), I spent a few happy hours perusing through one of my favorite stores, 'Tuesday Morning'. Really, really, REALLY like that store! Maybe because the inventory changes, but is always interesting and charming. If you can keep me out of the stationary section, I could probably finance my way to Tahiti. A couple of times. I don't know why I love cards and papers and journals so, but I do!  But today I went with a mission. Christmas ornaments would be 50% off and they have such lovely and unique choices. Usually Czech hand blown ornaments and lovely glass baubles that are dripping with swarovski crystals that sparkle like crazy when lights hit them.

You will be glad to know, I held myself to only purchasing TWO. One pale gold with crystals and bugle beads that form tiny stars and cover the surface and the other a lovely mercury glass silver embellished with pearls and crystals. I really love them both! AND I got a pink, velvet pillow with ivory braid that is beaded and embellished with rhinestones that says, "Merry & Bright. 
Love, love, LOVE it! Exactly matches my antique pink brocade sofa. And the best part? The entire haul cost a grand total of $15.71, with tax of course.

Such lovely items make shopping so much fun. I am already dreaming of next Christmas decorating season! 2020, I hope to be able to start collecting lights and do an actual light display. Thinking on a Disney theme....probably from Frozen because there is so much you can do with crystal and blue and purple.

Uuummmmmm......yeah. I shall think on that one. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Sweet creativity. Or is that just being bored?

This year, I decided to hand make gifts. Mostly because with hay the price it is these days and seven horses, money isn't exactly thick on the ground. That and because I have an entire room full of unused material and crafting paraphernalia that has been sitting there for years just waiting for me to use it.

I find it a lot easier to sit and look at YouTube or Pinterest and oooooohhhh and aaaawwwww at collecting ideas rather than actually getting off my duff and DOING those ideas. That stopped this Christmas.

So aaaallll my girlfriends got Christmas decorations in the form of Gnomes. Yeah. I'll bet they are thrilled. But at least my crafting supplies have a tiny, little dent in them now.

I only took pictures of TWO that I made. Don't know why I didn't take more pictures because I made like SEVEN of these little creatures. But if you've seen one gnome, you've seen them all. Or at know what I mean.

I made a couple of them without signs and put little bundles of fire wood or other cute little things in their hands. I did this while watching Avatar for the 700th time. I really LOVE my Disney+! And if I have a movie on I have seen a gazillion times, I don't actually have to watch it because listening to the dialogue, I know exactly what is happening on screen. Very convenient.

Anyways. That is it for my creativity this year. Now on to the next year, where I will again make some really cool resolutions that I will never follow through on.

I really like the age I am. I really like living alone. Because no one can tell me what to do and it really doesn't matter if I don't wear make up or color my hair. I am old. And I can do what I want. Like make silly gnomes and give them away.

Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve 2019 is Christmas eve. I haven't posted anything for a while now. Life again gets busy and I have managed to catch every single illness coming home with these kiddos I am working with. Right now, I am so stuffy I can hardly breathe and am living on Alka Seltzer Cold and Flu.


But it is still the eve of His birth. Or at least the day we celebrate His birth. Just random thoughts tonight. But He isn't a baby in a manger any longer. He isn't a dead man in a grave. He was born, grew up while living a sinless life. He was crucified, died on that cross, was buried in a rich mans' tomb. And on that 3rd day, He defeated death and Hades and sin and rose to live again.

He did that for YOU. Don't wait. Time is short. It will not be long before Jesus calls His true church home and then? Shits gonna hit the fan. Shits gonna get REAL real fast.

I don't want that for you. Please. Listen to Him calling your name. Trust in Him. Give Him your life and He will give life to you.

Your choice.